Thursday, July 1, 2010

One more day...

Well our time in South Africa is almost over. We begin our journey back on Saturday. I will be sad to leave but it will be nice to be back home. South Africa has been more enjoyable and more beautiful than I ever expected. All of the guide books and reviews that people post online never prepare you for a trip. You just have to go and experience things for yourself and construct your own opinions about people and places.

We had a light day today, as we went to the market in Cape Town and then to the Castle of Good Hope, a fort in the city and its oldest building built in the 1600s. We did some last minute shopping to get gifts for friends and family and then stopped by a chocolate store for treats. Tomorrow we go done to the Cape of Good Hope, just because. We may hike up Lion's Head to get a few more great views of the area and then dinner. Then we have to pack for the trip home. Keep checking the other sites for pics and postings and I will try to post once more before we head back to the States.

Not having my own computer has hindered me from posting on this blog like I have wanted to, (as I have said) but I hope to follow up with a few writings that explore my experiences better once I get back home. Keep watching.

1 comment:

  1. All of your posts have been interesting and appreciated. It's difficult to write when traveling. We're all fine here. No damage to anyone that I know of. See you soon, I hope.
