Saturday, July 3, 2010

Back to the USA!

So our trip has come to an end. We catch our flight to London tonight at 8pm or so. It feels like we hve been in SA for such a long time and I will miss this place for sure, but it will be nice to get back home and get things going. It has been nice to have a break away from the hot Texas summer but I am ready to have the warmer weather around again.
If anyone out there is ever planning to get down to South Africa, especially the Western Cape, don't hesitate. The friendly people, the views, the great exchange rate, are all worth experiencing. As I have said, I plan to follow up the trip with more in depth writing about the South African experience from home. I also plan to post individual pics that I really like, chosen form the 8000 that we took.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Good Morning

Today is our last full day in South Africa and we are spending it by driving down to the Cape of Good Hope. It has such an important place in history that we can't skip it. It isn't too long a drive to get there so we won't stretch ourselves too much today.

Pictures from the trip to Gorah and the shark diving pictures from Kleinsbai are being sorted and should be posted by now.

Quarter final matches kick off today!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

One more day...

Well our time in South Africa is almost over. We begin our journey back on Saturday. I will be sad to leave but it will be nice to be back home. South Africa has been more enjoyable and more beautiful than I ever expected. All of the guide books and reviews that people post online never prepare you for a trip. You just have to go and experience things for yourself and construct your own opinions about people and places.

We had a light day today, as we went to the market in Cape Town and then to the Castle of Good Hope, a fort in the city and its oldest building built in the 1600s. We did some last minute shopping to get gifts for friends and family and then stopped by a chocolate store for treats. Tomorrow we go done to the Cape of Good Hope, just because. We may hike up Lion's Head to get a few more great views of the area and then dinner. Then we have to pack for the trip home. Keep checking the other sites for pics and postings and I will try to post once more before we head back to the States.

Not having my own computer has hindered me from posting on this blog like I have wanted to, (as I have said) but I hope to follow up with a few writings that explore my experiences better once I get back home. Keep watching.