Monday, June 14, 2010

T minus 3 days and counting...

Algeria 0-1 Slovenia
Serbia 0-1 Ghana
Germany 4-0 Australia

Things are starting to heat up and this tournament is only the beginning. We are finishing our packing and realizing that we are going to South Africa. We have been thinking about it for so long that to know that it is finally here makes for a very interesting feeling. Cape Town promises to be a great world city, a great place to spend some time gaining perspective.

DON'T TURN AWAY!!! You owe it to yourself to watch and get excited and hooked on the World Cup!! Trust your feelings...!... You know you want to watch the best athletes in the world compete in the best sporting tournament in the world! What else do you have to do? Pay Special attention to USA vs. Slovenia on Friday. Watch!

There is so much to do...

1 comment:

  1. I simply can't wait to hear all about the many experiences you will have and the people you will meet.
    Post when you get to London, if you can!!
    I signed in yesterday as your first follower, but for some reason I couldn't sign in on that account again, so I created a new one. "Nicki" will be very quiet until I can figure out how to delete that account. So, I'm now "Sailaway202"
    Love you all,
