Saturday, July 3, 2010

Back to the USA!

So our trip has come to an end. We catch our flight to London tonight at 8pm or so. It feels like we hve been in SA for such a long time and I will miss this place for sure, but it will be nice to get back home and get things going. It has been nice to have a break away from the hot Texas summer but I am ready to have the warmer weather around again.
If anyone out there is ever planning to get down to South Africa, especially the Western Cape, don't hesitate. The friendly people, the views, the great exchange rate, are all worth experiencing. As I have said, I plan to follow up the trip with more in depth writing about the South African experience from home. I also plan to post individual pics that I really like, chosen form the 8000 that we took.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Good Morning

Today is our last full day in South Africa and we are spending it by driving down to the Cape of Good Hope. It has such an important place in history that we can't skip it. It isn't too long a drive to get there so we won't stretch ourselves too much today.

Pictures from the trip to Gorah and the shark diving pictures from Kleinsbai are being sorted and should be posted by now.

Quarter final matches kick off today!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

One more day...

Well our time in South Africa is almost over. We begin our journey back on Saturday. I will be sad to leave but it will be nice to be back home. South Africa has been more enjoyable and more beautiful than I ever expected. All of the guide books and reviews that people post online never prepare you for a trip. You just have to go and experience things for yourself and construct your own opinions about people and places.

We had a light day today, as we went to the market in Cape Town and then to the Castle of Good Hope, a fort in the city and its oldest building built in the 1600s. We did some last minute shopping to get gifts for friends and family and then stopped by a chocolate store for treats. Tomorrow we go done to the Cape of Good Hope, just because. We may hike up Lion's Head to get a few more great views of the area and then dinner. Then we have to pack for the trip home. Keep checking the other sites for pics and postings and I will try to post once more before we head back to the States.

Not having my own computer has hindered me from posting on this blog like I have wanted to, (as I have said) but I hope to follow up with a few writings that explore my experiences better once I get back home. Keep watching.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Hey all,
it's been a few days since I've posted anything and that has everything to do with the fact that we were in the woods near Port Elizabeth and had no electricity. We went hunting and stayed at a lodge and then the girls met up with us and we stayed two nights at Gohora Elephant Camp which was incredible! We had elephants and lions near the truck and walking around our tents and it was the most unreal experience. We got back to Cape Town yesterday afternoon and got ready for last night's game which turned out to be a one sided flashy display by Spain and they defeated Portugal 1-0. It was a great game and we had really good seats. Sadly, it was the last game that we will be going to. There are only 8 teams left in the tournament and there are a few really good games coming up. If you haven't watched any of the games thus far, now would be a good time to tune in. Argentina vs Germany should be a great game. It sucks to say, but the USA just didn't play well against Ghana the other night and will not advance. They have work to do.
There are tons of great pictures that are being posted on Landy's blog and on the smugmug site. Check them out.

I hope everyone in Texas is bracing for the storm coming. More later.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

USA through to last 16

Hello all,

Our trip to SA is just getting more exciting as we drove up to Stellenbosch and went around to a few wineries for the wine and to eat some very good food! The beautiful landscape of South Africa just keeps getting more and more appealing. Stellenbosch is only about 45 minutes from Cape Town, but it's at a higher elevation and with its rolling hills and wine estates set against rugged mountains, the area is more than a joy to see.

It is great to see USA go through to the second round of the tournament as leaders of Group C! If they can beat Ghana they will have to play either England or Germany in the Quarterfinal, but we'll worry about that when it comes. Until then we will just be proud of already having a much better tournament than last time.

Our second match is tonight as Cameroon play Netherlands. It stands to be as fun a time as the first.

Check out photos and the other blog for more SA action!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Greetings from below the equator,

Wow! So our first game of the 2010 World Cup was a goal fiesta with Portugal destroying North Korea 7-0, in case you were not aware of the score already. The stadium in Cape Town is fantastic and there are really no bad seats in the house. We were on the third level and had clear views of all of the action. Half of us were in a separate section on the lower level, where the girls were sitting, which were basically right in front of the goal where Portugal scored 6 of their 7 goals! Great game, great fun. We took a lot of photos, so be sure to see them ( or Michael Jackson was at the game!!!

We were all tired after the game and by the time we took the bus back and found somewhere to drive to get something to eat we were famished(strong word). We found this place that served ostrich bobotie (a South African specialty) and drove a ways to get it. The restaurant was really laid back and the waitstaff was really nice. We ate, watched the first half of the Spain match, and then headed back to the villa.

After only a couple of days in SA, I can honestly say that Cape Town is a very cool place. The scenery is beautiful, the people are really nice, and the locals all love the World Cup and Bafana Bafana. Camps Bay where we are staying, is very much a beach community, with surfers out in the mornings and the low key vibe of locals, while on the other side of Table Mountain is the cosmopolitan Cape Town, where the waterfront stadium is surrounded by skyscrapers and apartment buildings. On a clear day from where we are staying, you can see Robben Island, the prison island where Nelson Mandela was held for 27 years. Being in the same place where such important 20th century events took place is something that I will remember forever. There is still evidence of apartheid rule, but since it ended in 1994 South Africa has moved a long way from such distinctive segregation and oppression.

Monday, June 21, 2010

1st Game is today!!!

Hey boys and girls,
today, in our second full day of action in SA, we have our first game: Portugal vs. North Korea. It is the early game which kicks off at 1:30pm local time (6:30am central time)and it promises to be a great one. Portugal need to win in order take second place in group G going into the round of 16. There should be some great opportunities for for some great photos. Be on the lookout for the dancing fool in the Michael Jackson mask (not me).

Yesterday, we took full advantage of a clear day and took it upon ourselves to hike up Table Mountain, the iconic outcrop of Cape Town. It was a daunting trek up to the top which sits at 1100m (3300ft). We got to the top and took some lovely photos and then had a couple of beers from the cafe. We then rode the cable car down and headed out to get wine and food. We drove into Cape Town proper in the evening(I am becoming a very efficient opposite-side-of-the-road-driver) and saw some more of the city. By the time we left to come back, night had fallen and the mountain was lit up by lights, which was a great backdrop to the boats and the throngs of people watching the Italy vs. New Zealand match in the bars and on the giant screen television in the square. Be sure to check out the photos posted on the sister blogs for match photos and more.

To Be Continued...